Monday, June 11, 2012

Finally a Fix!

I'll make this short, because I know I am going to be tired of web stuff very soon.

I am finally updating my web site.  I'm not sure what happened, and even my web host was baffled at what was keeping my root directory fuddled.  BUT - I am working on a new Wordpress site that will be up "soon".

In the meantime, my blog will be up and I may be adding some information here for new customers just because it is easier.

However, and this is important, I have decided to make a big change in how I run TS Detailing.  Auto detailing has always been a passion and a hobby for me.  Trying to turn it into a business was never an intention when I started detailing and it made me hate what used to be almost therapeutic.  If you have tried calling me about detailing recently, this would explain why you probably never received a call back (or because you didn't leave a message at all).  I started to avoid customer calls because I became tired of people price-shopping me to local detail shops, getting annoyed because I'm too busy to fit them in tomorrow, or simply not understanding the difference between a car wash and a detail.

SO, I have decided to drop the idea of being a business all together.  TS Detailing is not a priority, but a hobby.  Consider it a hobbyist blog while will highlight what I have been doing with my hobby.  Sure, you can schedule a time for me to come detail your car, but you must understand that I have been very busy lately and it may take a week or two to fit it in.  These changes will be reflected on the new site.

I am still insured.  I am still registered with the state and will be paying my taxes.  If you are willing to wait for an opening and know what a true quality detailer can do for you, then you're more than welcome to contact me through all the regular means.

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